Chasing Amber

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Starting the Sun Catchers

Less than 12 months ago I created my first sun catcher, in what was my small apartment in Indooroopilly. It’s an idea I had for many moons before, but wasn’t sure where to start or how to get going. Luckily my partner gave me the nudge and confidence I needed to jump in and give it a go.

As soon as we made the first one, I fell in love with how it looked and made me feel. Joyful and proud. I still never thought I would get to a point where I would be selling these beauties to other people. I thought they might be gifts I made for loved ones, but not much more.

Soon after, we moved, the idea bubbled that these shiny, sparkly, labours of love could be more than something I shared with my immediate people. So we created a home studio, got some hand tools, quickly learnt what would and wouldn’t work along the way and jumped in to give it a crack.

My work place was toxic and negative and it didn’t leave me with the brain capacity to be creative or energised for the things I loved at the end of each day. So with that, I made the scary decision to leave. It took me quite a few weeks to feel up to the challenge of jumping in completely and giving this creative endeavour a proper go. But now, less than 12 months later, from that first sun catcher until now, many things have changed.

I am in a new home. A healthy relationship. Have a home studio space. I’ve shared my creations with people I had never met. And on the first Saturday of each month I do the markets (as a seller)! It brings me so much joy and excitement to create something that brings beauty, connection and light into others homes.

A lot can change in under 12 months if you believe in yourself and in my case have a beautiful support team behind you, cheering you on.

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on where I started not so long ago and where I might be in another 6 months on this beautiful journey.

Talk soon,