Not again...

Have you ever been asked on a date by a very handsome, super sweet guy, and then been stood up? I have, twice!  

By stood up I mean, they didn't show up to the date. You wait there for 10, 15, 30 minutes thinking, I wonder if they're okay or if something has happened... Nothing has happened and they're perfectly wonderful. In this 30 minute time frame they haven't replied to your text or answered your phone call. They have left you standing there on that main street feeling like a complete idiot. At least this is how I have felt.

The first time it happened I was 17, I had known the guy for 7 years. I admit it had been awhile since I had seen him last, but we had been talking for months in the lead up to him being in town. (Note: He lived in Mackay)

After sacraficing my Saturday of sport and making some cash to meet up, in true teenage rage, I went shopping and called my mum. If I recall correctly, I bought some new dresses, underwear and some albums from the Rocking Horse. Now I'm not usually an angry person, but I remember being distinctively angry on this particular day. He called about an hour later and told me he was 'thinking' of coming into the city 'later on' and that I should wait until then instead of going home. I went home, with my brand new goods.

Round two. I'm 21 and hopeful on a guy that is absolutely no good (obviously). We had met out one night and after talking for a week he said he'd like to come and cook me dinner. Candles, wine, everything. He said I could kick my heels up and he would do all the cooking. 7:30 came around and he wasn't here. 7:45, 8:00pm. I called and no answer. The pre lit candles, they were beginning to seem a little less romantic now. (Note: He was also originally from Mackay)

Between his Facebook and her Instagram I realised all was not fair in love and war. How could it be, the girl had no idea he was cheating! They had been together for some three and a half years and she was overseas at the time. I was the other woman... It makes me feel sick right down to my toes. But I didn't know at the time, so it's different right? After having no response from him over several days I decided to message her, because I hadn't done anything wrong. I had previously asked if he was in a relationship and his response to me was, "Are you serious... I'm single". I guess I shouldn't trust so easily. 

Need less to say once I messaged her it was like clock work. He was on the phone calling me within a 5 minute timeframe. Figured I'd let the first one ring out, because in all honesty I didn't think he would call me. Second phone call came around and there it all was, as raw as day, "Did you message my..... my girlfriend?". He apologised profusely and begged me not to tell her, I didn't need to though, she knew straight away I guess. I held strong and said if you don't tell her I will. Thanks to my girlfriends and sister for having my back with this one. 

Perhaps that's where you think my problem lies, in the fact that I stalked their social media and got involved. In this particular situation, I think it was the right thing to do.  Had I not, I would have never known and he would have given me some strange excuse as to why he didn't turn up to dinner - "something went down at work", "something serious was going on with my family"... I don't know, people are good at telling lies I suppose. 

Despite the fact, I know the problem is on his end, because last I checked, putting yourself out there and giving the whole 'dating' thing a go was healthy. No wonder online dating has become such a thing! It's hard to be stood up and disappointed this harshly online.

Agh. Just get back on the horse and continue acting as though you know how to trot... that's a thing right.

Please, has this happened to you or someone you know? Better yet, have you done this to someone and can you tell me why, I'd love to hear your side of this story.

Until then,