Gen Y. What are we doing?

Life is more challenging (in every aspect), time runs from us at full speed and depression and unhappiness is around every corner. But Why? We have everything in abundance more now than any other time in history. Food, clean water, access to opportunities we never thought possible, connecting with those on the other side of the world effortlessly. With my head buried in content more recently a generational theme was brought to my attention, perhaps shedding light on my 'friend-less' situation. Our world is progressing at a rapid pace but what we neglect to realise and put time aside for is the effects on our emotional self.

As a Creative Industries Graduate, I am happy to say I have now accepted me for me. As a creative you can't pretend to be anything but yourself, and in that creative discovery and acceptance you may lose yourself along the way, but that is the most important journey you will walk. Yes I am 20, what could I know, perhaps I haven't lived long enough to have an opinion yet.... and you're probably right. I like to think of myself as an observer and lately my mind has been yearning for new information, thirsty to learn and understand what is going on in this intensely, chaotic world.  I share my thoughts here in hope of sparking a discussion, because surely I'm not alone?

What I've stumbled across more recently is the instant gratification my fellow GenY's desire and our expectation of life. 

"In my experience it is common that process, perhaps the most valuable element of that journey, is often overlooked as students instead seek out shortcuts to success." 
 - Sophie Lee in intern quoting Lawrence Zeegen, a Dean at London College of Communication.

This is something I often see in those around me. Whether it be with their appearances, careers, relationships, direction or study.  It seems we no longer want to take the time to better ourselves and are in constant comparison to everyone else, including celebrities. 

Wait But Why, wrote what I see as a fairly accurate article on Gen Y and the potential three reasons to how we (self-absorbed, me me me, LOL, JOKES, my life is fabulous) as a generation arrived, BUT only online. Tim Urban, writer of the article, talks about expectation, reality and the comparison of previous generations to now.

Urban gives us three handy hints to avoid being all of the above:

  1. Stay wildly ambitious - Work hard to reach your goals with the understanding it will take time to get there.
  2. We're not special - It takes a great many years to become 'special' - if we were all special, no such thing would exist.
  3. Ignore everyone else, especially on social media!

So take a look at yourself, stop moping, put your head down and start contributing to the community you live in. Take the time to talk to a stranger, help that elderly lady cross the street and stop bitching about each other! Start to recognise that we are extremely lucky to live in this country and opportunities are in abundance, all you have to do is use a little elbow grease. 

GenY's out.