Chasing Amber

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'Friend-less' - anyone else hear me?

Relationships are the most important thing we have. Whether they be with family, partners or friends. Now I’m sure I’m not alone here when I say, making and keeping friends is really bloody hard!

For as long as I can remember my mum always told me – “you can only count your true friends on one hand.” – And that’s at any one point in your lifetime! In school that didn’t ring true for me, but now, I get it.

We are all so complex with our habits, needs, lifestyle and expectations. Growing up I never found it hard talking to people or just introducing myself to say hi. Throughout high school I always had people around me, but no one I could really talk to, conversations were generally fairly shallow like, “that guy is super cute”.

I didn’t have a gal-pal to get dressed up with, to laugh & cry with, and to mature out of my teens with; when you’re in the mood for a good film, to go shopping, to go for a run, to have a motivator, or if you just want cocktails on a Saturday and markets early Sunday morning. Fast approaching 21 I’m beginning to wonder, girlfriends where are you!?

So why are meeting new people (and keeping them around) so hard?

  1. People don’t like change
  2. You outgrow people as life happens
  3. Some people just don’t mature
  4. New encounters already have ‘other friends’
  5. People are busy
  6. People are judgy
  7. People have partners
  8. Girls see each other as competition (Why? Lack of confidence perhaps?)

I’m yet to find the magic recipe to ahh… improving this friend-less situation, but if you’re riding in a boat similar to mine, here are 8 tips I’m going to start living by:

  1. Accept people as they are (warts and all)
  2. Make an effort
  3. If someone you kind of know invites you out where you don’t know a soul and you’re friend-less so you can’t invite a +1, go anyway, you’ll meet new people.
  4. Engage with humans rather than technology
  5. Just be you
  6. Take up new interests/hobbies (you never know, maybe you'll enjoy yourself) 
  7. Check out Meet up. There is honestly a group of people for just about anything, social golf, cheeky drinks, live music, hiking and the list goes on.
  8. If any of the above fail, move to a new planet... stat.
“Anything scares me, anything scares anyone but really after all considering how dangerous everything is nothing is really very frightening.” – Gertrude Stein (1874 - 11946)

Do you have some tips, are a social butterfly or would like to go grab a coffee, let me know.

Until next time x