Chasing Amber

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I read an article a little while back by one of my more prized magazines. Need less to say the read made me uncomfortable for a number of reasons. This is a magazine I've been buying for years, it's been an inspiration often advocating strong women. But this particular article did quite the opposite. It segregated women into glamour and grit. 

Instead of empowering women, we were placed into two categories. Category one - beautiful and flawless. The women who are perfect with a messy bun and make trackies look to die for. Skin like a babies bum, eyelashes longer than your boyfriends, the girl next door material. 

Category two - clumsy and different. The women who make the effort but on their best day will never look as good as category 1 on their worst. The women with a little extra weight who don't have flawless skin, perhaps aren't naturally as elegant and maybe run second rather than first in a race. They segregated us into two categories as if some of us are more elite and going further than some others. 

This may have made me uncomfortable simply because I don't fit into category one... and I'm okay with that. The difference is, I don't need some well paid writer to go rubbing it in my face unexpectedly. And last I checked, beauty didn't equal success. 

They also categorised some of my most aspiring ladies in category 2. Not okay. I'd like to consider my role models as the salt of the earth, they're there inspiring and supporting females like myself and a small two page spread threw all of it into question. 

I just wanted to say, it's not a competition, ladies. We are our own worst enemy. We get jealous and 'catty' for no reason. Instead of bringing each other up and admiring one anothers beauty in every capacity, we drag each other down, claws out, bitch - front and centre. You may consider yourself a one or a ten on the beauty scale, but in the end, it's all irrelevant. When your make-up comes off, and your fake tan runs down the drain at the end of the day, you need to feel beautiful and complete with the woman you see in the mirror. She might be far from perfect, but that's why the people around you, love you. We are all hunting for perfection but we need to realise sooner, rather than later, that perfection doesn't belong anywhere. 

You are the greatest thing to grace this earth. You are perfectly stunning as you are. So if you're feeling insignificant one day or not as glamorous as another. Don't drag them down based solely on your negative mind frame. Change it. Amend your mind frame, as you are often the one with the problem, not them. 

So ladies, chin up, smiles on, acceptance up front. The moment we accept each other, the sooner we'll stop feeling insignificant or not enough.