Chasing Amber

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I Jumped...

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4 minute read

Entering 2017 I had a couple things I was burning to tick off my bucket list. I wanted to find more adventure, allow my creative juices to run free, to enjoy myself carelessly. So some snorkelling, travel and skydiving crept their way onto my list of 'what to do this year'.

On June 23rd I successfully marked one of these things off my list. I swallowed my fear and booked skydiving tickets. I booked myself a one-way experience, that I believed would energise me and give me the fall I truly needed. 

For those of you who haven't made the some 14'000 ft fall, I can't possibly describe the experience to you. For those of you that have, you understand where I am coming from when I say, Exhilarating Freedom. No depth perception, literally no thoughts, simply absorbing and intaking the sheer enormity of the beautiful world we are apart of. Where sound is irrelevant, the temperature is irrelevant, speed is inconceivable. It is the most incredible sensation of actual freedom. Where, in this moment you have no fears, nothing can touch you. You have so much joy during these seconds that nothing can get in your way. 

I am unsure why my mind frame changed so much entering this year. I suppose I wanted to achieve more things, for me. I always save, but never use the money to experience the world. I would often be caught up in life's silly responsibilities with some crazy idea that I might not have enough. Absurd right. So, I guess I woke up one morning and thought, enough! I work hard, so I'm going to start enjoying it. Here I am 6 months later in two theatre crews, playing TRL, pen-paling my sister in Perth, living in East Brisbane with my other sister, in a new relationship with red hair. I stay up late and get up early, I watch the sun rise and set as often as I'm capable. I'm adult-ing with all the nitty-gritty tasks and drink the driest cocktails I can get my hands on. I'm constantly adjusting to my changing body and people around me. 

Falling with style shaped things into perspective for me. Every piece of your life is only as relevant as you allow it to be. And no one thing changes if you don't initiate the first step. 

They say once you do something as exhilarating as skydiving that it can become addictive, an adrenaline junkie per say. I think it's just being on the edge of the unknown that keeps them coming back for more, that in these brief moments you can enjoy the world for what it really is, without any of the bullshit and nonsense. 

If fear is the only thing blocking you from doing such a thing - a fear of heights, fear of death, I say you should swallow that feeling, just momentarily and do yourself a favour. Because an experience like this generates such fullness, wholeness, breathlessness for this planet and yourself.

Have you jumped and loved it as much as me, or rather have you jumped and not enjoyed yourself? Perhaps you have a question about the experience? Comment below and let's get talking!

An enlightened, plane jumping Amber

Until next time x